(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/3/22 浏览:2)
"permission": { "scope.userLocation": { "desc": "我们将根据您的定位进行服务分类" } },
var QQMapWX = require('../../../utils/qqmap-wx-jssdk.js'); const { request } = require("../../../utils/util"); var qqmapsdk //onload里面写的: // 实例化腾讯地图API核心类 qqmapsdk = new QQMapWX({ key: '###MiaoWu~###'//这个去腾讯地图申请 });
// 获取用户的实时位置 getAddress() { var that = this; //1、获取当前位置坐标 wx.getLocation({ type: 'wgs84', success: function (res) { //2、根据坐标获取当前位置名称,显示在顶部:腾讯地图逆地址解析 qqmapsdk.reverseGeocoder({ location: { latitude: res.latitude, longitude: res.longitude }, success: function (addressRes) { // 显示位置 var address = addressRes.result.formatted_addresses.recommend; console.log(address); that.setData({ latitude: res.latitude, longitude: res.longitude, addressNow: address }) } }) }, fail: function () { console.log("调取失败") } }) },
<map id="map" longitude="{{longitude}}" latitude="{{latitude}}" scale="14" show-scale show-location style="width: 100%; height: 100vh;"> <cover-view class="dosomething fr"> <cover-image class="img" src="/UploadFiles/2021-04-02/refresh.png">业务需求不能让用户搜索以及选点,只能看自己所在位置,再加上开发者工具上暂不支持比例尺,所以这个图就当看着意思意思(还有开发者工具上定位贼不准,都给我整到区政府去了,各位在用的时候还是看自己手机调吧)
/** * 微信小程序JavaScriptSDK * * @version 1.0 * @date 2017-01-10 * @author jaysonzhou@tencent.com */ var ERROR_CONF = { KEY_ERR: 311, KEY_ERR_MSG: 'key格式错误', PARAM_ERR: 310, PARAM_ERR_MSG: '请求参数信息有误', SYSTEM_ERR: 600, SYSTEM_ERR_MSG: '系统错误', WX_ERR_CODE: 1000, WX_OK_CODE: 200};var BASE_URL = 'https://apis.map.qq.com/ws/'; var URL_SEARCH = BASE_URL + 'place/v1/search';var URL_SUGGESTION = BASE_URL + 'place/v1/suggestion';var URL_GET_GEOCODER = BASE_URL + 'geocoder/v1/';var URL_CITY_LIST = BASE_URL + 'district/v1/list'; var URL_AREA_LIST = BASE_URL + 'district/v1/getchildren'; var URL_DISTANCE = BASE_URL + 'distance/v1/'; var Utils = { /** * 得到终点query字符串 * @param {Array|String} 检索数据 */ location2query(data) { if (typeof data == 'string') { return data; } var query = ''; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var d = data[i]; if (!!query) { query += ';'; } if (d.location) { query = query + d.location.lat + ',' + d.location.lng; } if (d.latitude && d.longitude) { query = query + d.latitude + ',' + d.longitude; } } return query; }, /** * 使用微信接口进行定位 */ getWXLocation(success, fail, complete) { wx.getLocation({ type: 'gcj02', success: success, fail: fail, complete: complete }); }, /** * 获取location参数 */ getLocationParam(location) { if (typeof location == 'string') { var locationArr = location.split(','); if (locationArr.length === 2) { location = { latitude: location.split(',')[0], longitude: location.split(',')[1] }; } else { location = {}; } } return location; }, /** * 回调函数默认处理 */ polyfillParam(param) { param.success = param.success || function () { }; param.fail = param.fail || function () { }; param.complete = param.complete || function () { }; }, /** * 验证param对应的key值是否为空 * * @param {Object} param 接口参数 * @param {String} key 对应参数的key */ checkParamKeyEmpty(param, key) { if (!param[key]) { var errconf = this.buildErrorConfig(ERROR_CONF.PARAM_ERR, ERROR_CONF.PARAM_ERR_MSG + key +'参数格式有误'); param.fail(errconf); param.complete(errconf); return true; } return false; }, /** * 验证参数中是否存在检索词keyword * * @param {Object} param 接口参数 */ checkKeyword(param){ return !this.checkParamKeyEmpty(param, 'keyword'); }, /** * 验证location值 * * @param {Object} param 接口参数 */ checkLocation(param) { var location = this.getLocationParam(param.location); if (!location || !location.latitude || !location.longitude) { var errconf = this.buildErrorConfig(ERROR_CONF.PARAM_ERR, ERROR_CONF.PARAM_ERR_MSG + ' location参数格式有误') param.fail(errconf); param.complete(errconf); return false; } return true; }, /** * 构造错误数据结构 * @param {Number} errCode 错误码 * @param {Number} errMsg 错误描述 */ buildErrorConfig(errCode, errMsg) { return { status: errCode, message: errMsg }; }, /** * 构造微信请求参数,公共属性处理 * * @param {Object} param 接口参数 * @param {Object} param 配置项 */ buildWxRequestConfig(param, options) { var that = this; options.header = { "content-type": "application/json" }; options.method = 'GET'; options.success = function (res) { var data = res.data; if (data.status === 0) { param.success(data); } else { param.fail(data); } }; options.fail = function (res) { res.statusCode = ERROR_CONF.WX_ERR_CODE; param.fail(that.buildErrorConfig(ERROR_CONF.WX_ERR_CODE, result.errMsg)); }; options.complete = function (res) { var statusCode = +res.statusCode; switch(statusCode) { case ERROR_CONF.WX_ERR_CODE: { param.complete(that.buildErrorConfig(ERROR_CONF.WX_ERR_CODE, res.errMsg)); break; } case ERROR_CONF.WX_OK_CODE: { var data = res.data; if (data.status === 0) { param.complete(data); } else { param.complete(that.buildErrorConfig(data.status, data.message)); } break; } default:{ param.complete(that.buildErrorConfig(ERROR_CONF.SYSTEM_ERR, ERROR_CONF.SYSTEM_ERR_MSG)); } } } return options; }, /** * 处理用户参数是否传入坐标进行不同的处理 */ locationProcess(param, locationsuccess, locationfail, locationcomplete) { var that = this; locationfail = locationfail || function (res) { res.statusCode = ERROR_CONF.WX_ERR_CODE; param.fail(that.buildErrorConfig(ERROR_CONF.WX_ERR_CODE, res.errMsg)); }; locationcomplete = locationcomplete || function (res) { if (res.statusCode == ERROR_CONF.WX_ERR_CODE) { param.complete(that.buildErrorConfig(ERROR_CONF.WX_ERR_CODE, res.errMsg)); } }; if (!param.location) { that.getWXLocation(locationsuccess, locationfail, locationcomplete); } else if (that.checkLocation(param)) { var location = Utils.getLocationParam(param.location); locationsuccess(location); } }}class QQMapWX { /** * 构造函数 * * @param {Object} options 接口参数,key 为必选参数 */ constructor(options) { if (!options.key) { throw Error('key值不能为空'); } this.key = options.key; } /** * POI周边检索 * * @param {Object} options 接口参数对象 * * 参数对象结构可以参考 * @see http://lbs.qq.com/webservice_v1/guide-search.html */ search(options) { var that = this; options = options || {}; Utils.polyfillParam(options); if (!Utils.checkKeyword(options)) { return; } var requestParam = { keyword: options.keyword, orderby: options.orderby || '_distance', page_size: options.page_size || 10, page_index: options.page_index || 1, output: 'json', key: that.key }; if (options.address_format) { requestParam.address_format = options.address_format; } if (options.filter) { requestParam.filter = options.filter; } var distance = options.distance || "1000"; var auto_extend = options.auto_extend || 1; var locationsuccess = function (result) { requestParam.boundary = "nearby(" + result.latitude + "," + result.longitude + "," + distance + "," + auto_extend +")"; wx.request(Utils.buildWxRequestConfig(options, { url: URL_SEARCH, data: requestParam })); } Utils.locationProcess(options, locationsuccess); } /** * sug模糊检索 * * @param {Object} options 接口参数对象 * * 参数对象结构可以参考 * http://lbs.qq.com/webservice_v1/guide-suggestion.html */ getSuggestion(options) { var that = this; options = options || {}; Utils.polyfillParam(options); if (!Utils.checkKeyword(options)) { return; } var requestParam = { keyword: options.keyword, region: options.region || '全国', region_fix: options.region_fix || 0, policy: options.policy || 0, output: 'json', key: that.key }; wx.request(Utils.buildWxRequestConfig(options, { url: URL_SUGGESTION, data: requestParam })); } /** * 逆地址解析 * * @param {Object} options 接口参数对象 * * 请求参数结构可以参考 * http://lbs.qq.com/webservice_v1/guide-gcoder.html */ reverseGeocoder(options) { var that = this; options = options || {}; Utils.polyfillParam(options); var requestParam = { coord_type: options.coord_type || 5, get_poi: options.get_poi || 0, output: 'json', key: that.key }; if (options.poi_options) { requestParam.poi_options = options.poi_options } var locationsuccess = function (result) { requestParam.location = result.latitude + ',' + result.longitude; wx.request(Utils.buildWxRequestConfig(options, { url: URL_GET_GEOCODER, data: requestParam })); }; Utils.locationProcess(options, locationsuccess); } /** * 地址解析 * * @param {Object} options 接口参数对象 * * 请求参数结构可以参考 * http://lbs.qq.com/webservice_v1/guide-geocoder.html */ geocoder(options) { var that = this; options = options || {}; Utils.polyfillParam(options); if (Utils.checkParamKeyEmpty(options, 'address')) { return; } var requestParam = { address: options.address, output: 'json', key: that.key }; wx.request(Utils.buildWxRequestConfig(options, { url: URL_GET_GEOCODER, data: requestParam })); } /** * 获取城市列表 * * @param {Object} options 接口参数对象 * * 请求参数结构可以参考 * http://lbs.qq.com/webservice_v1/guide-region.html */ getCityList(options) { var that = this; options = options || {}; Utils.polyfillParam(options); var requestParam = { output: 'json', key: that.key }; wx.request(Utils.buildWxRequestConfig(options, { url: URL_CITY_LIST, data: requestParam })); } /** * 获取对应城市ID的区县列表 * * @param {Object} options 接口参数对象 * * 请求参数结构可以参考 * http://lbs.qq.com/webservice_v1/guide-region.html */ getDistrictByCityId(options) { var that = this; options = options || {}; Utils.polyfillParam(options); if (Utils.checkParamKeyEmpty(options, 'id')) { return; } var requestParam = { id: options.id || '', output: 'json', key: that.key }; wx.request(Utils.buildWxRequestConfig(options, { url: URL_AREA_LIST, data: requestParam })); } /** * 用于单起点到多终点的路线距离(非直线距离)计算: * 支持两种距离计算方式:步行和驾车。 * 起点到终点最大限制直线距离10公里。 * * @param {Object} options 接口参数对象 * * 请求参数结构可以参考 * http://lbs.qq.com/webservice_v1/guide-distance.html */ calculateDistance(options) { var that = this; options = options || {}; Utils.polyfillParam(options); if (Utils.checkParamKeyEmpty(options, 'to')) { return; } var requestParam = { mode: options.mode || 'walking', to: Utils.location2query(options.to), output: 'json', key: that.key }; var locationsuccess = function (result) { requestParam.from = result.latitude + ',' + result.longitude; wx.request(Utils.buildWxRequestConfig(options, { url: URL_DISTANCE, data: requestParam })); } if (options.from) { options.location = options.from; } Utils.locationProcess(options, locationsuccess); }} module.exports = QQMapWX;总感觉还有啥没写,但又想不起来了,回头记起来补吧