(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/3/19 浏览:2)
本文实例讲述了jQuery Raty星级评分插件使用方法。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下:
使用jQuery Raty,可以很方便的在页面上嵌入一个评分组件,如下所示:
以上为jQuery Raty的缺省使用方法,此外,该组件还支持丰富的传入参数和回调函数,例如:
设置jQuery Raty的初始评分:
<div data-score="1"></div>
$('div').raty({ score: function() { return $(this).attr('data-score'); } });
$('div').raty({ number: 10 });
$('div').raty({ readOnly: true, score: 3 });
$('div').raty({ click: function(score, evt) { alert('ID: ' + this.id + "\nscore: " + score + "\nevent: " + evt); } });
<div data-path="assets/images"></div>
$('div').raty({ path: function() { return this.getAttribute('data-path'); } });
$('div').raty({ cancel: true });
你可以全局更改上述提到的所有设置 $.fn.raty.defaults.OPTION = VALUE;
. 该语句必须添加在插件绑定之前。
$.fn.raty.defaults.path = assets; $.fn.raty.defaults.cancel = true;
cancel : false // Creates a cancel button to cancel the rating. cancelClass : 'raty-cancel' // Name of cancel's class. cancelHint : 'Cancel this rating!' // The cancel's button hint. cancelOff : 'cancel-off.png' // Icon used on active cancel. cancelOn : 'cancel-on.png' // Icon used inactive cancel. cancelPlace : 'left' // Cancel's button position. click : undefined // Callback executed on rating click. half : false // Enables half star selection. halfShow : true // Enables half star display. hints : ['bad', 'poor', 'regular', 'good', 'gorgeous'] // Hints used on each star. iconRange : undefined // Object list with position and icon on and off to do a mixed icons. mouseout : undefined // Callback executed on mouseout. mouseover : undefined // Callback executed on mouseover. noRatedMsg : 'Not rated yet!' // Hint for no rated elements when it's readOnly. number : 5 // Number of stars that will be presented. numberMax : 20 // Max of star the option number can creates. path : undefined // A global locate where the icon will be looked. precision : false // Enables the selection of a precision score. readOnly : false // Turns the rating read-only. round : { down: .25, full: .6, up: .76 } // Included values attributes to do the score round math. score : undefined // Initial rating. scoreName : 'score' // Name of the hidden field that holds the score value. single : false // Enables just a single star selection. space : true // Puts space between the icons. starHalf : 'star-half.png' // The name of the half star image. starOff : 'star-off.png' // Name of the star image off. starOn : 'star-on.png' // Name of the star image on. target : undefined // Element selector where the score will be displayed. targetFormat: '{score}' // Template to interpolate the score in. targetKeep : false // If the last rating value will be keeped after mouseout. targetScore : undefined // Element selector where the score will be filled, instead of creating a new hidden field (scoreName option). targetText : '' // Default text setted on target. targetType : 'hint' // Option to choose if target will receive hint o 'score' type. starType : 'img' // Element used to represent a star.
$('div').raty('score'); // Get the current score. $('div').raty('score', number); // Set the score. $('div').raty('click', number); // Click on some star. $('div').raty('readOnly', boolean); // Change the read-only state. $('div').raty('cancel', boolean); // Cancel the rating. The last param force the click callback. $('div').raty('reload'); // Reload the rating with the current configuration. $('div').raty('set', { option: value }); // Reset the rating with new configurations. $('div').raty('destroy'); // Destroy the bind and give you the raw element. $('div').raty('move', number); // Move the mouse to the given score point position.