(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/3/15 浏览:2)
<template> <div> <div class="mainDiv" id="columns"> <div id="child" class="childDiv" v-for="(option,index) in options" :key="index" > {{option}} </div> <!-- <div id="test" class="test" @touchstart="down" @touchmove="move" @touchend="end" >什么都没有 </div>--> </div> </div> </template>
<script> export default { name: "touchMove", data() { return { options: ['选项1', '选项2', '选项3', '选项4'], columns: undefined, flags: false, position: {x: 0, y: 0}, nx: '', ny: '', dx: '', dy: '', xPum: '', yPum: '', } }, mounted() { this.columns = document.querySelectorAll('#child'); let num = 0; for (let i of this.columns) { i.style.top = (i.offsetHeight * num) + 'px'; i.addEventListener('touchstart', this.down); i.addEventListener('touchmove', this.move); i.addEventListener('touchend', this.end); num ++; } }, methods: { down(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.flags = true; var touch; if (e.touches) { touch = e.touches[0]; } else { touch = e; } /*touch.clientX clientY 鼠标点击的位置与视图窗口的距离 * e.target.offsetLeft offsetTop 鼠标点击的div与父元 * 素的边框距离,父元素必须为定位样式,不然认为父元素为body * */ this.position.x = touch.clientX; this.position.y = touch.clientY; this.dx = e.target.offsetLeft; this.dy = e.target.offsetTop; }, move(e) { if (this.flags) { var touch; if (e.touches) { touch = e.touches[0]; } else { touch = e; } this.nx = touch.clientX - this.position.x; this.ny = touch.clientY - this.position.y;//移动的距离 this.xPum = this.dx + this.nx; this.yPum = this.dy + this.ny; e.target.style.left = this.xPum + 'px'; e.target.style.top = this.yPum + 'px'; } }, end(e) { //处理边界问题 let right= e.target.offsetLeft + e.target.offsetWidth; let bottom = e.target.offsetTop + e.target.offsetHeight; if(e.target.offsetLeft <= 0 || right >= e.target.offsetParent.offsetWidth){ e.target.style.left = 0 + 'px'; } if(e.target.offsetTop <= 0 || bottom >= e.target.offsetParent.offsetHeight){ e.target.style.top = 0 + 'px'; } this.dataTransfer(e); this.flags = false; }, dataTransfer(e){ let eleTop = e.target.offsetTop + Math.round(e.target.offsetHeight / 2);//找到当前元素的中间位置 let arr = Array.from(this.columns);//将nodelist转为array let index = arr.indexOf(e.target);//找到当前元素下标 for(let i in arr){ //如果当前元素进入另一个元素的位置,将他们的值互换,位置还原 if(eleTop > arr[i].offsetTop && eleTop < (arr[i].offsetTop + arr[i].offsetHeight)){ //值互换,位置还原(保证数组的序列数据不变) let temp = arr[index].innerText; arr[index].innerText = arr[i].innerText; arr[i].innerText = temp; } } let num = 0; for (let i of this.columns) { i.style.top = (i.offsetHeight * num) + 'px'; num ++; } } } } </script>
<style scoped> .mainDiv { position: absolute; height: 500px; width: 100%; border: 3px solid red; border-radius: 10px; margin: 10px; } .mainDiv > .childDiv { position: absolute; height: 50px; width: 90%; background-color: blue; border: 2px solid; border-radius: 10px; margin: 1px auto; padding: 10px; text-align: center; } .test { position: relative; height: 50px; width: auto; background-color: red; border: 2px solid; border-radius: 3px; margin: 1px 0 1px; padding: 10px; text-align: center; } </style>