(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/3/15 浏览:2)
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Document</title> </head> <body style="margin: 0;"> <canvas id="tetris" style="border: 1px solid #000;"></canvas> <div id="text" style='color: red;font-size: 30px;'>当前分数:0</div> </body> <script> let cav = document.getElementById('tetris') let text = document.getElementById('text') let ctx = cav.getContext('2d') let k = 40 //倍数 let speed = 1000 let grade = 0 let restartFlag = false let timer = null let curGraphPositionList = [] let curtype = undefined let transformNum = 0 let blockGraph = Array(10) let beforeUpdateGraph = [] for(let i = 0;i<blockGraph.length;i++){ blockGraph[i] = Array(20) } cav.width = 10*k cav.height = 20*k ctx.fillStyle="yellow" ctx.strokeStyle="black" function ramdomRectType(){ return Math.floor((Math.random()*7)+1) } function randomXposition(){ return Math.floor(Math.random()*10) } function drawRect(position,width){ ctx.beginPath() ctx.rect(position[0],position[1],width,width) ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke() } function drawGraph(positionList){ if(positionList.length===0){ return } for(let item of positionList){ let x= item[0]*k let y= item[1]*k let position = [x,y] drawRect(position,k) } } function isOut(position,xOry){//x:0,y:1 if(xOry===0){ if(position<0||position>9){ return true }else{ return false } }else{ if(position<0||position>19){ return true }else{ return false } } } function randomRectShape(){ let rposition = randomXposition() let type = ramdomRectType() curtype = type transformNum = 0 let positionList = [] let one = [] let two = [] let three = [] let four = [] switch(type){ case 1: if(isOut(rposition+2,0)){ return randomRectShape() }else{ one = [rposition+2,0] two = [rposition,1] three = [rposition+1,1] four = [rposition+2,1] } break; case 2: if(isOut(rposition+2,0)){ return randomRectShape() }else{ one = [rposition,0] two = [rposition,1] three = [rposition+1,1] four = [rposition+2,1] } break; case 3: if(isOut(rposition+2,0)){ return randomRectShape() }else{ one = [rposition+1,0] two = [rposition+2,0] three = [rposition,1] four = [rposition+1,1] } break; case 4: if(isOut(rposition+2,0)){ return randomRectShape() }else{ one = [rposition,0] two = [rposition+1,0] three = [rposition+1,1] four = [rposition+2,1] } break; case 5: if(isOut(rposition+2,0)){ return randomRectShape() }else{ one = [rposition+1,0] two = [rposition,1] three = [rposition+1,1] four = [rposition+2,1] } break; case 6: if(isOut(rposition+1,0)){ return randomRectShape() }else{ one = [rposition,0] two = [rposition+1,0] three = [rposition,1] four = [rposition+1,1] } break; case 7: if(isOut(rposition+3,0)){ return randomRectShape() }else{ one = [rposition,0] two = [rposition+1,0] three = [rposition+2,0] four = [rposition+3,0] } break; } positionList.push(one,two,three,four) return positionList } function clearRect(position,width){ ctx.clearRect(position[0]*k-1,position[1]*k-1,width+2,width+2) } function clearGraph(curGraphPositionList){ if(curGraphPositionList.length===0){ return } for(let item of curGraphPositionList){ clearRect(item,k) } } function clearGraphList(){ let graphList = [] for(let i = 0;i< blockGraph.length;i++){ for(let j =0;j< blockGraph[i].length;j++){ if(blockGraph[i][j]===1){ graphList.push([i,j]) } } } clearGraph(graphList) } function isTouchOtherBlock(position){ return blockGraph[position[0]][position[1]] === 1 } function updateBlockGraph(graphPositionList){ for(let i =0;i<graphPositionList.length;i++){ let x = parseInt(graphPositionList[i][0]) let y = parseInt(graphPositionList[i][1]) blockGraph[x][y] = 1 } let transformArray = [] for(let i=0;i<20;i++){ let arr = blockGraph.map((item)=>{ return item[i] }) transformArray.push(arr) } let flagList = [] for(let i in transformArray){ let flag = 1 for(let j in transformArray[i]){ if(transformArray[i][j]!==1){ flag = 0 break } } flagList.push(flag) } let score = flagList.filter((item)=>{ return item === 1 }) if(score.length>0){ grade = grade + score.length text.innerHTML = '当前分数:'+grade for(let i in transformArray){ if(flagList[i]===1){ for(let j in transformArray[i]){ transformArray[i][j]=undefined } } } let hasBlockList = [] for(let i in transformArray){ let flagOfHasBlock = 0 for(let j in transformArray[i]){ if(transformArray[i][j]!==undefined){ flagOfHasBlock = 1 break } } hasBlockList.push(flagOfHasBlock) } for(let i = transformArray.length -1 ;i>=0;i--){ if(hasBlockList[i]===1){ let count = 0 for(let j = i ;j<19;j++){ if(hasBlockList[j+1]===0){ count++ }else{ break } } if(count===0){ continue } for(let j in transformArray[i]){ if(transformArray[i][j]===1){ transformArray[i][j] = undefined transformArray[i+count][j] = 1 } } hasBlockList[i]=0 hasBlockList[i+count]=1 } } let newBlockGraph = [] for(let i=0;i<10;i++){ let arr = transformArray.map((item)=>{ return item[i] }) newBlockGraph.push(arr) } clearGraphList() blockGraph = newBlockGraph } } function movePosition(curGraphPositionList,direct){ switch(direct){ case 'left': let minL = Math.min(...curGraphPositionList.map((item)=>{ return item[0] })) if(minL-1<0){ return curGraphPositionList }else{ let changeFlag = true let next = curGraphPositionList.map((item)=>{ return [item[0]-1,item[1]] }) for(let item of next){ if(isTouchOtherBlock(item)){ changeFlag = false } } if(changeFlag){ return next }else{ return curGraphPositionList } } break; case 'right': let maxR = Math.max(...curGraphPositionList.map((item)=>{ return item[0] })) if(maxR+1>9){ return curGraphPositionList }else{ let changeFlag = true let next = curGraphPositionList.map((item)=>{ return [item[0]+1,item[1]] }) for(let item of next){ if(isTouchOtherBlock(item)){ changeFlag = false } } if(changeFlag){ return next }else{ return curGraphPositionList } } break; case 'down': let maxD = Math.max(...curGraphPositionList.map((item)=>{ return item[1] })) if(maxD>18){ updateBlockGraph(curGraphPositionList) restartFlag = true return curGraphPositionList }else{ let changeFlag = true let next = curGraphPositionList.map((item)=>{ return [item[0],item[1]+1] }) for(let item of next){ if(isTouchOtherBlock(item)){ changeFlag = false } } if(changeFlag){ return next }else{ updateBlockGraph(curGraphPositionList) restartFlag = true return curGraphPositionList } } break; } } function checkOver(positionList){ for(let i in positionList){ let x = positionList[i][0] let y = positionList[i][1] if(blockGraph[x][y]===1){ over() alert('游戏结束') return true } } return false } function drawGraphList(){ let graphList = [] for(let i = 0;i< blockGraph.length;i++){ for(let j =0;j< blockGraph[i].length;j++){ if(blockGraph[i][j]===1){ graphList.push([i,j]) } } } drawGraph(graphList) } function isComplexData (data) { if(data===null||data===undefined){ return false } let flag = data.constructor===Array||data.constructor===Object return flag } function deepCopy (data) { if(!isComplexData (data)){ return data } let result = null if(data.constructor===Array){ result = [] }else{ result = {} } for(let i in data){ result[i] = deepCopy (data[i]) } return result } function move(direct){ clearGraph(curGraphPositionList) curGraphPositionList = movePosition(curGraphPositionList,direct) if(restartFlag){ drawGraphList(blockGraph) }else{ drawGraph(curGraphPositionList) } } function transform (curtype) { let checkArr = deepCopy(curGraphPositionList) if(transformNum>=3){ transformNum = 0 }else{ transformNum++ } switch(curtype){ case 1: caseOne(checkArr) break; case 2: caseTwo(checkArr) break; case 3: caseThree(checkArr) break; case 4: caseFour(checkArr) break; case 5: caseFive(checkArr) break; case 6: caseSix(checkArr) break; case 7: caseSeven(checkArr) break; } //start check outside let outflag = false let xArr = checkArr.map((item)=>{ return item[0] }) let yArr = checkArr.map((item)=>{ return item[1] }) for(let item of xArr){ if(isOut(item,0)){ outflag = true } } for(let item of yArr){ if(isOut(item,1)){ outflag = true } } if(outflag){ if(transformNum<=0){ transformNum = 3 }else{ transformNum-- } return } //end check if(!checkTranfromTouchBlock(checkArr)){ if(transformNum<=0){ transformNum = 3 }else{ transformNum-- } return }else{ clearGraph(curGraphPositionList) curGraphPositionList = checkArr drawGraph(curGraphPositionList) } } function checkTranfromTouchBlock(checkArr){ let changeFlag = true for(let item of checkArr){ if(isTouchOtherBlock(item)){ changeFlag = false } } return changeFlag } function caseOne(checkarr){ switch(transformNum){ case 0: checkarr[0][0]=checkarr[0][0]+2 checkarr[1][0]=checkarr[1][0]-1 checkarr[1][1]=checkarr[1][1]-1 checkarr[3][0]=checkarr[3][0]+1 checkarr[3][1]=checkarr[3][1]+1 break; case 1: checkarr[0][1]=checkarr[0][1]+2 checkarr[1][0]=checkarr[1][0]+1 checkarr[1][1]=checkarr[1][1]-1 checkarr[3][0]=checkarr[3][0]-1 checkarr[3][1]=checkarr[3][1]+1 break; case 2: checkarr[0][0]=checkarr[0][0]-2 checkarr[1][0]=checkarr[1][0]+1 checkarr[1][1]=checkarr[1][1]+1 checkarr[3][0]=checkarr[3][0]-1 checkarr[3][1]=checkarr[3][1]-1 break; case 3: checkarr[0][1]=checkarr[0][1]-2 checkarr[1][0]=checkarr[1][0]-1 checkarr[1][1]=checkarr[1][1]+1 checkarr[3][0]=checkarr[3][0]+1 checkarr[3][1]=checkarr[3][1]-1 break; } } function caseTwo(checkarr){ switch(transformNum){ case 0: checkarr[0][1]=checkarr[0][1]-2 checkarr[1][0]=checkarr[1][0]-1 checkarr[1][1]=checkarr[1][1]-1 checkarr[3][0]=checkarr[3][0]+1 checkarr[3][1]=checkarr[3][1]+1 break; case 1: checkarr[0][0]=checkarr[0][0]+2 checkarr[1][0]=checkarr[1][0]+1 checkarr[1][1]=checkarr[1][1]-1 checkarr[3][0]=checkarr[3][0]-1 checkarr[3][1]=checkarr[3][1]+1 break; case 2: checkarr[0][1]=checkarr[0][1]+2 checkarr[1][0]=checkarr[1][0]+1 checkarr[1][1]=checkarr[1][1]+1 checkarr[3][0]=checkarr[3][0]-1 checkarr[3][1]=checkarr[3][1]-1 break; case 3: checkarr[0][0]=checkarr[0][0]-2 checkarr[1][0]=checkarr[1][0]-1 checkarr[1][1]=checkarr[1][1]+1 checkarr[3][0]=checkarr[3][0]+1 checkarr[3][1]=checkarr[3][1]-1 break; } } function caseThree(checkarr){ if(transformNum%2!==0){ checkarr[0][0]=checkarr[0][0]+1 checkarr[0][1]=checkarr[0][1]+1 checkarr[1][1]=checkarr[1][1]+2 checkarr[2][0]=checkarr[2][0]+1 checkarr[2][1]=checkarr[2][1]-1 }else{ checkarr[0][0]=checkarr[0][0]-1 checkarr[0][1]=checkarr[0][1]-1 checkarr[1][1]=checkarr[1][1]-2 checkarr[2][0]=checkarr[2][0]-1 checkarr[2][1]=checkarr[2][1]+1 } } function caseFour(checkarr){ if(transformNum%2!==0){ checkarr[0][0]=checkarr[0][0]+2 checkarr[1][0]=checkarr[1][0]+1 checkarr[1][1]=checkarr[1][1]+1 checkarr[3][0]=checkarr[3][0]-1 checkarr[3][1]=checkarr[3][1]+1 }else{ checkarr[0][0]=checkarr[0][0]-2 checkarr[1][0]=checkarr[1][0]-1 checkarr[1][1]=checkarr[1][1]-1 checkarr[3][0]=checkarr[3][0]+1 checkarr[3][1]=checkarr[3][1]-1 } } function caseFive(checkarr){ switch(transformNum){ case 0: checkarr[0][0]=checkarr[0][0]+1 checkarr[0][1]=checkarr[0][1]-1 checkarr[1][0]=checkarr[1][0]-1 checkarr[1][1]=checkarr[1][1]-1 checkarr[3][0]=checkarr[3][0]+1 checkarr[3][1]=checkarr[3][1]+1 break; case 1: checkarr[0][0]=checkarr[0][0]+1 checkarr[0][1]=checkarr[0][1]+1 checkarr[1][0]=checkarr[1][0]+1 checkarr[1][1]=checkarr[1][1]-1 checkarr[3][0]=checkarr[3][0]-1 checkarr[3][1]=checkarr[3][1]+1 break; case 2: checkarr[0][0]=checkarr[0][0]-1 checkarr[0][1]=checkarr[0][1]+1 checkarr[1][0]=checkarr[1][0]+1 checkarr[1][1]=checkarr[1][1]+1 checkarr[3][0]=checkarr[3][0]-1 checkarr[3][1]=checkarr[3][1]-1 break; case 3: checkarr[0][0]=checkarr[0][0]-1 checkarr[0][1]=checkarr[0][1]-1 checkarr[1][0]=checkarr[1][0]-1 checkarr[1][1]=checkarr[1][1]+1 checkarr[3][0]=checkarr[3][0]+1 checkarr[3][1]=checkarr[3][1]-1 break; } } function caseSix(checkarr){ return } function caseSeven(checkarr){ if(transformNum%2!==0){ checkarr[0][0]=checkarr[0][0]+2 checkarr[0][1]=checkarr[0][1]-2 checkarr[1][0]=checkarr[1][0]+1 checkarr[1][1]=checkarr[1][1]-1 checkarr[3][0]=checkarr[3][0]-1 checkarr[3][1]=checkarr[3][1]+1 }else{ checkarr[0][0]=checkarr[0][0]-2 checkarr[0][1]=checkarr[0][1]+2 checkarr[1][0]=checkarr[1][0]-1 checkarr[1][1]=checkarr[1][1]+1 checkarr[3][0]=checkarr[3][0]+1 checkarr[3][1]=checkarr[3][1]-1 } } function setTimer(speed) { clearInterval(timer) timer = setInterval(()=>{ move('down') if(restartFlag){ newBlock() } },speed) } function newBlock(){ restartFlag = false curGraphPositionList = randomRectShape() drawGraph(curGraphPositionList) let overflag = checkOver(curGraphPositionList) if(overflag){ return } setTimer(speed) } function start() { newBlock() } function over() { clearInterval(timer) } start() let pauseFlag = false document.addEventListener('keydown',(event)=>{ if(event.keyCode===37){ move('left') }else if(event.keyCode===39){ move('right') }else if(event.keyCode===40){ speed=30 setTimer(speed) }else if(event.keyCode===32){ pauseFlag = !pauseFlag if(pauseFlag){ over() }else{ setTimer(speed) } }else if(event.keyCode===38){ // clearGraph(curGraphPositionList) transform (curtype) } }) document.addEventListener('keyup',(event)=>{ if(event.keyCode===40){ speed=1000 setTimer(speed) } }) </script> </html>
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