(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/3/12 浏览:2)
var xm; var ym; /* ==== onmousemove event ==== */ document.onmousemove = function(e){ if(window.event) e=window.event; xm = (e.x || e.clientX); ym = (e.y || e.clientY); } /* ==== window resize ==== */ function resize() { if(diapo)diapo.resize(); } onresize = resize; /* ==== opacity ==== */ setOpacity = function(o, alpha){ if(o.filters)o.filters.alpha.opacity = alpha * 100; else o.style.opacity = alpha; } /* ===== encapsulate script ==== */ diapo = { O : [], DC : 0, img : 0, txt : 0, N : 0, xm : 0, ym : 0, nx : 0, ny : 0, nw : 0, nh : 0, rs : 0, rsB : 0, zo : 0, tx_pos : 0, tx_var : 0, tx_target : 0, /// script parameters attraction : 2, acceleration : .9, dampening : .1, zoomOver : 2, zoomClick : 6, transparency : .8, font_size: 18, // /* ==== diapo resize ==== */ resize : function(){ with(this){ nx = DC.offsetLeft; ny = DC.offsetTop; nw = DC.offsetWidth; nh = DC.offsetHeight; txt.style.fontSize = Math.round(nh / font_size) + "px"; if(Math.abs(rs-rsB)<100) for(var i=0; i<N; i++) O[i].resize(); rsB = rs; } }, /* ==== create diapo ==== */ CDiapo : function(o){ /* ==== init variables ==== */ this.o = o; this.x_pos = this.y_pos = 0; this.x_origin = this.y_origin = 0; this.x_var = this.y_var = 0; this.x_target = this.y_target = 0; this.w_pos = this.h_pos = 0; this.w_origin = this.h_origin = 0; this.w_var = this.h_var = 0; this.w_target = this.h_target = 0; this.over = false; this.click = false; /* ==== create shadow ==== */ this.spa = document.createElement("span"); this.spa.className = "spaDC"; diapo.DC.appendChild(this.spa); /* ==== create thumbnail image ==== */ this.img = document.createElement("img"); this.img.className = "imgDC"; this.img.src = o.src; this.img.O = this; diapo.DC.appendChild(this.img); setOpacity(this.img, diapo.transparency); /* ==== mouse events ==== */ this.img.onselectstart = new Function("return false;"); this.img.ondrag = new Function("return false;"); this.img.onmouseover = function(){ diapo.tx_target=0; diapo.txt.innerHTML=this.O.o.alt; this.O.over=true; setOpacity(this,this.O.click"imgsrc" images position ==== */ this.resize = function (){ with (this) { x_origin = o.offsetLeft; y_origin = o.offsetTop; w_origin = o.offsetWidth; h_origin = o.offsetHeight; } } /* ==== animation function ==== */ this.position = function (){ with (this) { /* ==== set target position ==== */ w_target = w_origin; h_target = h_origin; if(over){ /* ==== mouse over ==== */ w_target = w_origin * diapo.zoomOver; h_target = h_origin * diapo.zoomOver; x_target = diapo.xm - w_pos / 2 - (diapo.xm - (x_origin + w_pos / 2)) / (diapo.attraction*(click"px"; top = Math.round(y_pos) + "px"; width = Math.round(Math.max(0, w_pos)) + "px"; height = Math.round(Math.max(0, h_pos)) + "px"; zIndex = Math.round(w_pos); } with(spa.style){ left = Math.round(x_pos + w_pos * .1) + "px"; top = Math.round(y_pos + h_pos * .1) + "px"; width = Math.round(Math.max(0, w_pos * 1.1)) + "px"; height = Math.round(Math.max(0, h_pos * 1.1)) + "px"; zIndex = Math.round(w_pos); } } } }, /* ==== main loop ==== */ run : function(){ diapo.xm = xm - diapo.nx; diapo.ym = ym - diapo.ny; /* ==== caption anim ==== */ diapo.tx_pos += diapo.tx_var = diapo.tx_var * .9 + (diapo.tx_target - diapo.tx_pos) * .02; diapo.txt.style.left = Math.round(diapo.tx_pos) + "px"; /* ==== images anim ==== */ for(var i in diapo.O) diapo.O[i].position(); /* ==== loop ==== */ setTimeout("diapo.run();", 16); }, /* ==== load images ==== */ images_load : function(){ // ===== loop until all images are loaded ===== var M = 0; for(var i=0; i<diapo.N; i++) { if(diapo.img[i].complete) { diapo.img[i].style.position = "relative"; diapo.O[i].img.style.visibility = "visible"; diapo.O[i].spa.style.visibility = "visible"; M++; } resize(); } if(M<diapo.N) setTimeout("diapo.images_load();", 128); }, /* ==== init script ==== */ init : function() { diapo.DC = document.getElementById("diapoContainer"); diapo.img = diapo.DC.getElementsByTagName("img"); diapo.txt = document.getElementById("caption"); diapo.N = diapo.img.length; for(i=0; i<diapo.N; i++) diapo.O.push(new diapo.CDiapo(diapo.img[i])); diapo.resize(); diapo.tx_pos = -diapo.nw; diapo.tx_target = -diapo.nw; diapo.images_load(); diapo.run(); } } /* ==== start script ==== */ function dom_onload() { if(document.getElementById("diapoContainer")) diapo.init(); else setTimeout("dom_onload();", 128); } dom_onload();