
(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/3/16 浏览:2)


01.Intrada By Desplanes-andrea Amati

02.Larghetto By Nardini-antonio Stradivari

03.Praeludium By Vivaldi-niccola Amati

04.Cantabile And Waltz By Paganini-antonio Stradivari

05.Adagio By Mozart-guarneri Del Gesu

06.Improvisation Op21-1 By Kabalevsky-antonio Stradivari

07.Melodie By Tchaikovsky-guarneri Del Gesu

08.Largo By Veracini-gasparo Da Salo

09.Sicillienne By Paradis-carlo Bergonzi

10.The Violin Maker Of Cremona By Hubay-guarneri DelGesu

11.Larghetto By Handel-antonio Stradivari

12.Romance In A Major By Shumann-guarneri Del Gesu

13.Hungarian Dance No20 By Brahms-antonio Stradivari

14.Hungarian Danceno17 By Brahms-guarneri Del Gesu

15.May Breeze By Mendelssohn-antonio Stradivari

16.Andrea Amati (c1560-70)

17.Nicola Amati (1656)

18.Antonio Stradivari The Spanish (1677)

19.Antonio Stradivari The Ernst (1709)

20.Antonio Stradivari The Joachim (1714)

21.Antonio Stradivari The Monasterio (1719)

22.Antonio Stradivari The Madrileno (1720)

23.Antonio Stradivari The Rode (1733)

24.Gasparo Da Salo (c1570-80)

25.Carlo Bergonzi The Constable (1731)

26.Josef Guarneri Del Gesu The Gibson (1734)

27.Josef Guarneri Del Gesu The Lafont (1735)

28. Josef Guarneri Del Gesu The Plowden (1735)

29.Josef Guarneri Del Gesu The Ex-vieuxtemps (1739)

30.Josef Guarneri Del Gesu The De Beriot (1744)

Ruggiero Ricci - 十五支绝世名琴The Glory OfCremona SACD DSD64[ISO].zip:访问密码: 559675)


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