(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/3/15 浏览:2)
上扬爱乐製作团队严选15首zui能散发BBC LS 3/5A迷人音色之乐曲
巨星荟萃: 爵士天后Janet Seidel、排笛王Simion Stanciu、音乐剧首席男声JohnOwen-Jones、萧邦钢琴大赛冠军Alexander Jocheles...
1 Libertango
Gulyas Csilla (harp), Deli Zsolt (accordion), Pota Gyorgy(double bass), Stefko Mihaly (violin)
2 Se dice demi
Silvana Deluigi (vocal)
3 Summertime
King Selewa & his Calypsonians (vocal)
4 Mozart: Romance andMenuet
Simion Stanciu Syrinx (panpipe)
5 Hungarian Dance No.5
Die Singphoniker (vocal)
6 LaPaloma
Janet Seidel (vocal)
7 Tell MyFather
John Owen-Jones (vocal)
8 Kisses ofSummer
John Alcorn (vocal) , Reg Schwager (guitar), Don Thompson(piano)
9 Pescetti: Andantino(Sonata in C minor)
Guylas Csilla (harp)
10 AveMaria
Mikhail Alexandrovich (tenor)
11 Memories inDark
Michael Hoppe (keyboard), Tim Wheater (altoflute)
12 Bordel1900
Lionel Zurcher (violin), Daniel Hoffmann(guitar)
13 Kumbaya
Indian Soonie (vocal)
14 BellaCiao
Lucilla Galeazzi (vocal), Michel Godard (tuba), VincentCourtois (cello)
15 Schubert: Adagio inE major, D. 612
Alexander Jocheles (piano)
上扬爱乐《情迷LS 35A》 The Sounds of LS 35A[MP3].rar: https://url27.ctfile.com/f/9388027-699053937-fadbac?p=559675(访问密码: 559675)
上扬爱乐《情迷LS 35A》 The Sounds of LS 35A[flac].rar: https://url27.ctfile.com/f/9388027-698887002-6fd1f1?p=559675(访问密码: 559675)解压码4元