(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/3/15 浏览:2)
BIS2590 ülo Krigul:Liquid Turns Kaspars Putni??指挥 SACD
Main artist: Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir
Composer: Ulo Krigul
Label: BISReleased on: 05/08/2022
Genre: Classical Vocal Music (Secular and Sacred) Choral Music(Choirs)
Length: 01:05:46
Quality: flac 24bits - 96kHz
ülo Krigul studied in Tallinn and Vienna, and has writtenmusic in a wide variety of genres. Three works presented here – Andthe Sea Arose, Aga vaata aina üles ("But Look Always Up") andliquid turns – were completed in 2019-2020 when Krigul wascomposer-in-residence with the Estonian Philharmonic ChamberChoir.
Linked by a common concept and the recycling of musicalmaterial, the three form a triptych-like set, here preceded by Vesiise ("Water Is") from 2015. The latter is the first piece thatKrigul wrote for the choir and its conductor Kaspars Putni?? andincludes ideas that has been carried over into their latercollaboration. If Vesi ise here functions as a prelude, liquidturns is to an extent a summation of the programme: the composerhas sampled text and music from the two preceding works and randomphrases interact and emerge as a new whole. Krigul has chosen histexts from the New Testament, the writings of the philosopher UkuMasing and the sound poetry of Ilmar Laaban. ? BIS Records
01 - Vesi ise (00:14:19)
02 - And the Sea Arose (00:13:53)
03 - No. 1, Hingamisi (00:04:00)
04 - No. 2, ?? on pime (00:04:42)
05 - No. 3, Puud aina kasvavad (00:03:03)
06 - No. 4, Ainuski pilv ei tule tagasi (00:03:00)
07 - No. 5, Lahkuda onnidest (00:01:55)
08 - No. 6, Kui vanasti raagiti tuulest (00:07:33)
09 - Liquid turns (00:13:21)
BIS2590 Ulo Krigul-Liquid Turns KasparsPutnis[mp3].rar: https://url27.ctfile.com/f/9388027-687956240-a860f3?p=559675(访问密码: 559675)
BIS2590 Ulo Krigul-Liquid Turns KasparsPutnis SACD.zip: https://url27.ctfile.com/f/9388027-687860864-a6d418?p=559675(访问密码: 559675)