(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/3/11 浏览:2)
语种:英语、国语唱片公司:Music & Movement / WarnerMusic发行时间:2015年07月31日专辑类别:合集、杂锦2015年8月9日是新加坡建国50周年纪念日,新加坡本地歌手齐聚欢唱爱国歌曲并发行合辑,合辑收录孙燕姿、林俊杰、许美静、陈洁仪、蔡健雅、蔡淳佳、OliviaOng、DickLee等新加坡歌手及音音乐人的作品,可在各大数字音乐平台收听。实体CD由新加坡Popular大众书局独家销售。 If all the National Day songs werecompiled in the right order on a CD, would you play it in the caron the way to work? Mr Lim Sek, 56, chief executive ofevents and management company Music and Movement, believes it wouldbe. "If I just arranged the songsaccording to the year they debuted, it would be a boring playlist.That's why I put the more upbeat songs together and the balladstogether, and it suddenly becomes the kind of CD you would listento on your morning drive to work," he says. He spearheaded the production of MyAugust 9th - 50 Wonderful Years, a two-disc collection of all theoriginal versions of the 27 National Day songs to date, from StandUp For Singapore (1984) to JJ Lin's Our Singapore(2015). It is the first complete compilationof National Day theme songs that were written for and performed atNational Day parades since 1984. It is available at all Popularbookstores for $22.90 and from Apple's iTunes store for$9.98. Given that this year is Singapore'sGolden Jubilee and such a compilation of National Day songs hadnever been produced, it is surprising that the idea to do it cameabout only two months ago. Mr Lim says: "The idea came about inlate June when I was talking to singer and composer Dick Lee. Werealised that it hadn't been done yet and we were shocked.Especially as it's our 50th National Day, all the more reason weshould have a definitive collection." My August 9th was compiled by Musicand Movement, with marketing from WarnerMusic. The Ministry of Culture, Communityand Youth (MCCY) and the Composers and Authors Society of Singapore(Compass) also assisted in the production of the album by grantingLim the rights to use the songs and providing useful contacts toobtain the original copies of the songs. The production was surprisinglydifficult. As the songs were not stored in a central system, he hadto approach the individual National Day Parade committees and theoriginal singers and composers to get copies of thesongs. "Previously, the only place youcould get all the songs was on YouTube. However, the quality wasn'tthat good, so we had to source it from committee members' personalcollections," he says. Forty per cent of the sales of theCDs will go to the Sing50 Fund, which originates from the Sing50mega concert held last night and which aims to promote Singaporeanmusic and musical talents in schools. The Ministry of Culture, Communityand Youth required a part of the profit to be given to charity andMr Lim chose Sing50 as the beneficiary. The ministry will also be givingcopies to schools under the Sing50 fund. Mr Lim says: "It's justappropriate to be using the money earned from a CD featuring localartists to support a fund that aims to nurture future singingtalents." Although the album contains songlyrics, as well as personal messages from most of theartists, Mr Lim is disappointed that thecompilation does not contain other extras, such as a sing-alongversion of each of the songs and an in-depth booklet containingmore information about them. "We were pressed for time this year.We can do an even better compilation next year and include thingssuch as music videos and sheet music and make it an even moredefinitive collector's edition of NDP songs," hesays. Above all, he is convinced thedouble-CD will not be something people will play only in Augustevery year. "After listening to it a few moretimes, I realised that the songs aren't just NDP songs. They're popsongs in their own right. "I think as a nation, we should beproud that we've managed to produce so many musical talents andthat all the songs are so good."Disc 101. Our Singapore - 林俊杰02. Home - 陈洁仪03. One United People (2003Singapore National Song) - 孙燕姿04. 星月 - 许美静05. Song For Singapore - CORRINNEMAY YING FOO06. Where I Belong - 蔡健雅07. What Do You See -Electrico08. In a Heartbeat - SylviaRatonel09. Together - 陈毓芸 & 梦·飞船10. Shine For Singapore - HadyMirza11. Will You - Stage and TheareArtists12. 一起走过 - 孙燕姿13. Count On Me Singapore - ClementChow14. Stand Up For Singapore - JEREMYMONTEIRO, Hugh Harrison, Anne Weerapass, Robert Fernando, RoslindaBaharudin & Jonathan Tan Teck MengDisc 215. Our Singapore - 李迪文16. We Will Get There - 孙燕姿17. There's No Place I'd Rather Be -陈洁仪18. Love At First Light - 王俪婷 &Natanya Tan19. Reach Out For the Skies - TaufikBatisah & Rui En20. 晴空万里 - 蔡淳佳21. One Singapore - Sing A NationChoir22. Shine On Me - Jai23. My Island Home - 龚诗嘉24. 就在这里 - 陈伟联25. One People, One Nation, OneSingapore - JEREMY MONTEIRO, Hugh Harrison, Anne Weerapass, RobertFernando, Roslinda Baharudin & Jonathan Tan Teck Meng26. We Are Singapore - Jonathan TanTeck Meng, Roslinda Baharudin, Robert Fernando & AnneWeerapass27. 家 - 陈洁仪
群星 -MY AUGUST 9TH:50 WONDERFUL YEARS 2CD[新加坡版] 2015WAV+CUE--1.rar: https://url27.ctfile.com/f/9388027-562669777-5a8a83(访问密码:559675)
群星 -MY AUGUST 9TH:50 WONDERFUL YEARS 2CD[新加坡版] 2015 WAV+CUE--2.rar:https://url27.ctfile.com/f/9388027-562669773-a77828(访问密码:559675)