
(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/3/9 浏览:2)


群星 - 《寄生虫Parasite》2019 [FLAC]
《寄生虫》讲述了发生在身份地位悬殊的两个家庭身上的故事:宋康昊饰演的无业游民父亲基泽,让寄托了家人生计希望的大儿子(崔宇植饰)前往IT公司老总朴社长(李善均 饰)家应聘课外教师,随之发生了一连串意外事件。
01. Opening
02. Conciliation I
03. On The Way to Rich House
04. Conciliation II
05. Plum Juice
06. Mr. Yoon and Park
07. Conciliation III
08. The Belt of Faith
09. Moon Gwang Left
10. Camping
11. The Hellgate
12. Heartrending Story of Bubu
13. Zappaguri
14. Ghost
15. The Family is Busy
16. Busy to Survive
17. The Frontal Lobe of Ki Taek
18. Water, Ocean
19. Water, Ocean Again
20. It is Sunday Morning
21. Blood and Sword
22. Yasan
23. Moving
24. Ending
25. Soju One Glass

【原声大碟】《寄生虫Parasite》2019 [FLAC分轨].rar:https://url27.ctfile.com/f/9388027-512188100-f2d8e3(访问密码:559675)


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